Monday, March 24, 2014

Questions for Social Media

Social Media Use is Soaring—Tine to Reconsider Your 2013 Strategy

·      What did you learn about the growing trends in the use of social media?
Social Media is being used more and more in terms of job searching, as employers are looking at these cites more than they ever have before. Keeping profiles clean, curse-free and filled with important links can aide in getting a job, as, according to the "5 Social Media Tips" article, 86% of employers check profiles of their potential employees.

·      What takeaways do you see from the data?
The data serves to prove the growing importance that social media networks hold in our everyday lives. Not only do they influence us in terms of our connection with others socially, but they influence where we get our information from, if a person gets hired and it helps in forming his opinions. 

Technology & Internet:  10 Social Media Tips Every Business Needs to Know

·      How does business uses social media?
Businesses use social media to promote themselves, connect with consumers if they offer a good or service, and view the social media profiles of potential employees. This is becoming more common than ever among businesses and the call for a clean up of social media should be heard.
·      Where you surprised by what “social media is NOT?”
I was surprised in how seriously employers consider social media to be. They consider it a reflection on one's personality and morals, and keeping it clean is essential.
·      Describe some of the things that “social media IS.”
Social media is a way to network and show off your skills and experience, almost like a casual, virtual resume. 

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