Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's the Audience, Stupid! Questions

It’s the Audience, Stupid!

What is the new approach to storytelling and how is it being used to broaden audiences?

It has become more visual, using graphics and videos in order to convey the message, rather than simply just reading or audio.

How is digital media being used to engage audiences?
Digital media opens up the door for users to interact and become engaged by the content being shown. They promote social media or ask the audience to contribute content.

Give three specific examples of how you can incorporate storytelling into an article you write?
Three specific examples would be a graphic made to convey a statistical side of what I'm writing, include a video link with specific examples, and incorporate citizen journalism in order to further relate to the audience.

All the Aggregation That’s Fit to Aggregate

What does aggregation mean?
Aggregation means bringing content on the Internet together in one place in order to access it, much like the original intent of the Huffington Post.

Why does the author describe Arianna Huffington as “the queen of aggregation?”  Go to the Huffington Post and provide an example.
The Huffington Post started a source for information, but not information generated by the site. It linked and combined stories from other websites, calling attention to certain stories. In this was, Arianna Huffington is the queen of aggregation, as she created a place where all forms of media came together for easy access.

Is aggregation a threat to professional journalism – why or why not?
It can be argued that aggregation is a threat to professional journalism, because it takes some attention away from the original creator or reporter of the content. However, it also highlights this content as well, so it can go either way.

Photojournalism in the Age of New Media

A professional journalist receives a photo captured by a citizen journalist….

·      What are the positives?
·      Why does the professional journalist need to be careful?
·      Why might the content of the photo be called into question?

·      How does citizen photojournalist impact the job of the professional photojournalist?

Friday, April 4, 2014


Questions for the article “Youtube

 1. How does the interaction online become the key for Youtube video production community? Please use the media convergence concept to explain it.
The interaction online allows others to contribute content and provide feedback to literally anyone on Youtube. This allows for convergence to happen, as there is no limit or restriction on who can contribute.

2. The article mentioned that the teens are mainly passively consumers ofYoutube being on the periphery. But seven out of 10 most subscribed partners are teens and young adults. How do you explain this use of Youtube in youth?
There is a large amount of youth culture in Youtube, not only because they grew up and adapted easily to the technology necessary to create and contribute content, but also because they use Youtube as a social media network. This contrasts with the older groups who use it for more practical reasons. 

3. How does Youtube use different techniques to create an online community that is different from other websites?
They allow subscriptions and collaborations of videos and content, unlike most social media networks who just allow sharing and being friends. 

4. What is the next step for Youtube development? Please use the concept of participatory culture and media development theory we discussed to explain your answer.

 Perhaps the next step for Youtube would be for them to expand the ease to make videos. You can already go on and film directly to Youtube, but perhaps you will be able to edit or alert people directly once you've uploaded.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Questions for Social Media

Social Media Use is Soaring—Tine to Reconsider Your 2013 Strategy

·      What did you learn about the growing trends in the use of social media?
Social Media is being used more and more in terms of job searching, as employers are looking at these cites more than they ever have before. Keeping profiles clean, curse-free and filled with important links can aide in getting a job, as, according to the "5 Social Media Tips" article, 86% of employers check profiles of their potential employees.

·      What takeaways do you see from the data?
The data serves to prove the growing importance that social media networks hold in our everyday lives. Not only do they influence us in terms of our connection with others socially, but they influence where we get our information from, if a person gets hired and it helps in forming his opinions. 

Technology & Internet:  10 Social Media Tips Every Business Needs to Know

·      How does business uses social media?
Businesses use social media to promote themselves, connect with consumers if they offer a good or service, and view the social media profiles of potential employees. This is becoming more common than ever among businesses and the call for a clean up of social media should be heard.
·      Where you surprised by what “social media is NOT?”
I was surprised in how seriously employers consider social media to be. They consider it a reflection on one's personality and morals, and keeping it clean is essential.
·      Describe some of the things that “social media IS.”
Social media is a way to network and show off your skills and experience, almost like a casual, virtual resume. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blogging on Politics: The Media's Influence on LGBT* Marriage

Marriage within the LGBT* community continues to be a topic of discussion for political candidates nationwide. Whether one is for or against this issue, there is no doubt that the media plays a large part in forming so many different political opinions, and gay marriage is certainly one of those issues. 

In the video clip above, taken from CCN.com, explains that evidence has shown that media opinion does in fact influence not only the larger populace, but politicians who formerly held contrary opinions. For example, according to the video, when the law in Arizona that sought to put restraints on gay marriage as well as other civil rights for LGBT* couples, right-wing politicians such as former Republican Presidential candidates Mitt Romney and John McCain spoke out opposing the Arizona law.

The two sides of the issue, in their most basic forms, are those that are for marriage in the LGBT* community, and those who are not. Of course, there are many different arguments on either side, such as the argument that marriage comes with many benefits that heterosexuals gain, including financial and federal benefits, while others argue that their religion prevents them from condoning a (religious) marital ceremony between two people of the same sex.

A poll of the last decade's opinions on gay marriage from The Washington Post illustrates that, in just ten years' time, opinions have changed dramatically in favor of LGBT* marriage being legalized, which is largely the opinion that most media outlets agree with. 

Regardless of one's own personal opinion, it is undeniable the influence the media has on our larger culture, and it can certainly be attributed to the increasing amount of technology and digital convergence that has vastly increased in the past ten years.  There is also evidence to support that the generation of technology largely supports LGBT* rights more than generations of the past, and with technology in the hands of that generation, it is not unlikely that the media's opinions would coincide with theirs. 

It is not just the opinions of the media and the people that are changing, but changes are also being made to the statutory and federal governments. According to The Washington Post, "On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court struck down a part of the Defense of Marriage Act, saying the federal ban on benefits to same-sex couples is unconstitutional; it also declined to rule on California’s Proposition 8, which defined marriage as between one man and one woman." Changes are being made to what one would categorize as the oldest, and often times most traditional part of the nation: the government. LGBT* rights are being recognized as an issue of human civil rights and welfare, and less of a political opinion. In ten years time, perhaps this issue will be resolved and in the next generation's history books. For now, we must take part so that progress may unfold.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Can Blogs Revolutionize Progressive Politics?

Questions for “Can Blogs Revolutionize Progressive Politics?”

1.     Why do the Democratic leaders embrace blogging as a potential political communication considering the traditional media landscape in politics?

Democratic leaders embrace blogging because, despite traditional media usually found in politics, blogging provides a platform for so many people on the Internet to see. Blogging, especially for those with a large audience or following, provides a spring board for ideas and discussion of any particular issue, and in politics, this is exactly what one wants. A discussion of political issues or candidates is vital to political communication.

2.     Blogging encourages a participatory culture. In what way does the participatory culture in blogging expand digital media convergence?

The participatory culture in blogging expands digital media convergence because it allows people to collaborate and converge their ideas regarding posts and topics, from all over the world. It's a basis for people to communicate with one another and respond and create ideas. 

3.     In the article, the author says: “The ability of the Internet to erase geographical distances can become a structural weakness in elections where district lines and eligibility are key.” How can blogging counter this weakness in the process of turning the netroots to grassroots?

Blogging can counter this weakness by aiming for their local audience in a more direct way. Perhaps they can share their links on local websites and campaign cites, or advertise their blog directly to those they want to see it. 

4.     The author spends the second half of the article discussing the lack of diversity in current blogosphere dominated by elite bloggers. Please use the concept of digital convergence to explain how blogs can become the real bearer of freedom, democracy, egalitarianism, and participation in the new media communication?

Blogs  can become the real bearer of freedom, democracy, etc. in the new media communication because, with the nature of the Internet, anyone can have their own blog and write about whatever they want. They can post content, respond and subscribe to other blogs, and gain a following. Digital convergence allows this to occur. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Virtual Revolution

 Questions for the documentary “Virtual Revolution” part 1, 2, and 3.

1.     The web is celebrated as the revolutionary technology that is great leveling of humanity creating equal opportunity, equal access, and equal potential. However, there are only a quarter of people on the earth who can use it. How do you explain the controversial argument here?

With the Internet, there is a certain amount of financial privilege needed in order to access it. It is not government regulated in most, if not all places, therefore you need to be able to pay to access it. There are places that have free access, but these places are not readily available all over the world, creating a limiting environment.

2.     How is Wikipedia the best example to implement the leveling ideas of the Web rooted in the cultural revolution of 1960s, namely the Libertarianism in the counter culture? How does it explain some of the digital convergences?

Wikipedia allows for access to information about several different areas and topics, with the added element of being able to be edited and changed by regular users. Libertarianism and counter culture of the '60s influences included the leveling ideas related to the Web because, despite Wikipedia's ability to be changed, experts in their field will correct any mistakes eventually, and level out the information.

3.     How does the Web make it possible for different kinds of digital convergence?

The Web makes it possible for different kinds of digital convergence because, in itself, it is called the World Wide Web, where people from all over can post ideas and spread their work. This allows billions of others to see original work and ideas, and collaborate and create and convergence. 

4.     How can the Internet become a challenge for traditional authority? Use the political landscape changes in some counties to illustrate your answer.

5.     Do you believe that getting information free can set us free eventually? Why or Why not? Do you see any concerns of the complete freedom or self-expression without limit on the Internet? Why or why not?

Free Internet, while it sounds like a perfect idea, may have some complications. If it became regulated, there could be some restrictions made and control over the content, which would hinder expression and overall, convergence.

6.     In traditional media communication, it has the “vertical” authority. In the Web communication, it becomes “horizontal?” How do you explain the change? How does this create the possibility for digital media convergence?

7.     Why is that the Web is free critical for the success of the Web itself? How does that clash with the corporate business ideology? How does that pose challenges for copyright issues at the same time? What will happen if the Web is not free?

Since the Internet is not free, businesses currently have control, and make money from it. IF the Web was free solely for the success of the Web itself, even though more people will be able to access it, the business aspect of the Web would no longer be needed.