Friday, February 21, 2014

Virtual Revolution

 Questions for the documentary “Virtual Revolution” part 1, 2, and 3.

1.     The web is celebrated as the revolutionary technology that is great leveling of humanity creating equal opportunity, equal access, and equal potential. However, there are only a quarter of people on the earth who can use it. How do you explain the controversial argument here?

With the Internet, there is a certain amount of financial privilege needed in order to access it. It is not government regulated in most, if not all places, therefore you need to be able to pay to access it. There are places that have free access, but these places are not readily available all over the world, creating a limiting environment.

2.     How is Wikipedia the best example to implement the leveling ideas of the Web rooted in the cultural revolution of 1960s, namely the Libertarianism in the counter culture? How does it explain some of the digital convergences?

Wikipedia allows for access to information about several different areas and topics, with the added element of being able to be edited and changed by regular users. Libertarianism and counter culture of the '60s influences included the leveling ideas related to the Web because, despite Wikipedia's ability to be changed, experts in their field will correct any mistakes eventually, and level out the information.

3.     How does the Web make it possible for different kinds of digital convergence?

The Web makes it possible for different kinds of digital convergence because, in itself, it is called the World Wide Web, where people from all over can post ideas and spread their work. This allows billions of others to see original work and ideas, and collaborate and create and convergence. 

4.     How can the Internet become a challenge for traditional authority? Use the political landscape changes in some counties to illustrate your answer.

5.     Do you believe that getting information free can set us free eventually? Why or Why not? Do you see any concerns of the complete freedom or self-expression without limit on the Internet? Why or why not?

Free Internet, while it sounds like a perfect idea, may have some complications. If it became regulated, there could be some restrictions made and control over the content, which would hinder expression and overall, convergence.

6.     In traditional media communication, it has the “vertical” authority. In the Web communication, it becomes “horizontal?” How do you explain the change? How does this create the possibility for digital media convergence?

7.     Why is that the Web is free critical for the success of the Web itself? How does that clash with the corporate business ideology? How does that pose challenges for copyright issues at the same time? What will happen if the Web is not free?

Since the Internet is not free, businesses currently have control, and make money from it. IF the Web was free solely for the success of the Web itself, even though more people will be able to access it, the business aspect of the Web would no longer be needed. 

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